Tumazhanova Saltanat Orazalykyzy graduated from the Faculty of geography of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2004, and in 2006 she graduated from the master's program of the Department of geomorphology and cartography of this university and defended her master's thesis "Geomorphological structure and modern exomorphogenesis of the Western Tarbagatai Ridge" at an excellent level. On the basis of her master's thesis, Saltanat Orazalykyzy took an active part in scientific conferences. By the decision of the State Examination Committee of Al-Farabi kaznu, Tumazhanova Saltanat Orazalykyzy was recommended to graduate school. Currently, Tumazhanova S.O. has 12 published articles on the topic of her master's thesis. Tumazhanova S.O. is well versed in such new Geoinformation programs as MapInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS, GeoTransformer, which are necessary for the preparation of the specialty" Geodesy and cartography".


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